Saturday, January 10, 2009

Some art and such

Not much to post right now, just a shirt and a drawing.

firs the shirt. It was done for my girlfriend a little over a year ago. I liked the way it turned out. The picture isn't great, but I'll try and get better ones later.

And in case anyone ever wants to by anything I post... Shirts are $15.


The next is one of my Christmas cards from this past Christmas. It certainly got the best reaction of the holiday things I drew.

$1.50 or 10 for $10

In other news: I went to Burlington today with the family and ate at Mimi's. It was super tasty. then we went to Barnes & Noble, and I got Dragon Slayer. I'm super excited about that, and will most probably be reviewing that soon... Along with Barbarella, which I just re watched the other night.

Also, I decided my resolution was to watch 100 movies that i hadn't seen before... I'm counting new movies, though not ones that come out in 2009, as that seems like cheating... But of the 100, 20 have to be foreign, 10 silent, and 10-20 (haven't decided which) will be over 50 years old, but not in either previous category. Between movies I own, but haven't watched, the store down the road that has awesome used DVDs, and the Internet, I should be able to achieve this goal rather simply.

Until next time, Cheers!

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