Saturday, January 17, 2009

25 actors (classic)

The idea for this came from Self-Styled Siren's blog. She had a lot of criteria that I didn't bother with. but she even said on her blog that it was what she made up for herself.

REally,I hate lists like this, as I always thik of people later that I like even better... but whatever, it's all for fun.

My original intention was to post 10 classic and 10 modern. But I couldn't stop there. So it's now 25 each.

I've only posted the classic 25, I'll do the modern 25 later.

I went on when they had the majority of success. If it was before 75, they're classic and if it was after, they're modern.

Also note, this is not in order... I'd never finish if I had to place them.

1. Cary Grant

2. Peter O'toole

3. Humphry Bogart

4. James Stewart

5. Clint Eastwood

6. James Dean

7. Steve McQueen

8. Michael Caine

9. Laurence Olivier

10. Jack Lemmon

11. Charles Laughton

12. Lon Chaney

13. Charlie Chaplin

14. Buster Keaton

15. Buster Crabbe

16. Paul Newman

17. Sidney Poitier

18. Eddie Cantor

19. Donald Sutherland

20. Warren Beatty

21. Fred Astaire

22. Boris Karloff

23. Marlon Brando

24. Toshiro Mifune

25. John Wayne

I'm going crazy over these, and I know I forgot people in both lists. But I'm going to stop here and jsut go with what I have

Friday, January 16, 2009



Dragonslayer (1981)

A King has made a pact with a dragon where he sacrfices virgins to it, and the dragon leaves his kingdom alone. An old wizard, and his keen young apprentice volunteer to kill the dragon and attempt to save the next virgin in line - the Kings own daughter

I've been a fan of this movie since I was a kid, but hadn't seen it in years until a few days ago. And itwas even better than I remember.

The plot, while good, is fairly generic for the fantasy genre. It's full of the heroes, damsels, and wizards just as you would expect. The pacing is a little slow, though not badly so. But None of these detract from the things that make the film work.

Peter MacNicol makes his film debut in this, and a very impressive debut it was. The man who made a career playing weasels, scheisters and lackies does a fine job as the films protagonist, Galen, a sorceror's apprentice that has lost his magic. He's very convincing, and very likable.

The films message of the end of sorcery and the begining of Christianity was interesting, and I think added avery poinent touch to the film. While not a christian myself, I love the imagery and really like the idea that dragons and magic did exist, but people moved on to a different belief.

But the real treat in this movie, the main reason why any movie fan should see it is the Dragon.

Vermithrax Pejorative is absolutely gorgeous! I was blown away as a child, and still am by the effects work done on her. The quintessential movie dragon still has not been topped in nearly 30 years or with the aid of computers. Whatever problems theplot may have are more than made up for as soon as she's on screen. The baby dragons are also very well done as are the other effects. But nothing has touched the effects on Vermithrax, and I don't know if any dragon ever will. though with the hobbit coming out in a couple of years and being directed by the amazing Gillermo Del Torro, we'll see.

Just for fun, here's the Vermithrax Pejorative fighting the Rancor from Return of the Jedi


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Some art and such

Not much to post right now, just a shirt and a drawing.

firs the shirt. It was done for my girlfriend a little over a year ago. I liked the way it turned out. The picture isn't great, but I'll try and get better ones later.

And in case anyone ever wants to by anything I post... Shirts are $15.


The next is one of my Christmas cards from this past Christmas. It certainly got the best reaction of the holiday things I drew.

$1.50 or 10 for $10

In other news: I went to Burlington today with the family and ate at Mimi's. It was super tasty. then we went to Barnes & Noble, and I got Dragon Slayer. I'm super excited about that, and will most probably be reviewing that soon... Along with Barbarella, which I just re watched the other night.

Also, I decided my resolution was to watch 100 movies that i hadn't seen before... I'm counting new movies, though not ones that come out in 2009, as that seems like cheating... But of the 100, 20 have to be foreign, 10 silent, and 10-20 (haven't decided which) will be over 50 years old, but not in either previous category. Between movies I own, but haven't watched, the store down the road that has awesome used DVDs, and the Internet, I should be able to achieve this goal rather simply.

Until next time, Cheers!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hello All

This is my first post on my new blog. Hopefully I'll actually stick with this one.

In it, I plan on releasing images of my art work and shirt designs, as well as reviewing movies, albums, and concerts.

I'll start this with a review of my first concert of the year, which took place on the first day of the year. I witnessed the fun and passion that is Jason Webley.

I've been a fan of his for a couple of years now, and have wanted to see him live for most of that time. I finally got my chance Jan. 1 at the Local 506 in Chapel hill, NC. The club was nice, though very small. For the purposes of this show, itwas perfect, as Webley is a one man band.

The show started with Billy Sugar fix who was a lot of fun, though I'd never heard him before. His songs were good and he seemed pretty interesting.

But Jason Webley was the attraction, and I have far more to say about him.

First of all, he started his set with a Nick Drake cover, which he sung beautifully. His accordion playing was also exquisite.

I've never seen someone go from humor to pain so readily. He poke a lot between songs, even pointing out that fact at one point and demanding our outrage for it. During he rambling, he was genuinely hilarious and a joy to listen to. During his songs, however, you really saw into his heart. Granted, man of his songsare funny as well. But just looking at the soul in his face when he sings is amazing. Watching his exaustion and seeing how much of himself he puts into his shows was inspiring.

He was literally a one man band. He played accordion and guitar (not simultaneously though) and did percusion using his boots and the stage. He also got the crowd involved more than many concerts I've been to, which is always great.

In all, I loved the show, and will definitelybe seeing himagain when he comes through the area.

Well, I know it's not much of a review, butit's my first.

I hope people enjoy it, and stick around for more to come.

La Boheme