Saturday, March 28, 2009

good gravy

I need to stop neglecting my blog...

It's not even like I'm super busy, though I am a little.

I cleaned the house almost top to bottom last week... the only rooms I didn't clean were other people's bedrooms. But the house looks really nice now, though I still need to vacuum my room and will need to sweep the rest sooner than later.

I haven't watched any previously unseen movies lately, because I've been trying to watch all the Wrestlemanias before 25, but since that is only 8 days away, and I haven't finished IX yet, I doubt I'll make it...

More movies will be watched after that though.

I did get to watch Tales of the Black Freighter and Under the Hood last night thoguh with some people... They were really good, especially Under the hood and will make a great companion piece to the movie. I just can't wait until the super exended cut where they are mixed back into it... i just hope it still happens, what with the film under performing in theatres... I guess it will depend on DVD sales... i mean, we still don't have Kill Bill: The Whole bloody affair.

And don't forget to check out the journal comic of the house:

And for my latest guest entry into the comic:

Now I'm off to give Fillerbot a villain.

Good day